Derivatives are back, but are the risks?

Mortgage-backed securities, credit-default swaps and derivatives were not much more than financial industry jargon until the recession of 2007. When the world economy nearly collapsed—due [...]

D&I initiatives: a strategic imperative

Ensuring D&I remains high on an organization’s agenda is key to long-term success and growth. Because this topic is so important, I have made raising awareness of this initiative my [...]

How to ride the innovation curve

At a time of significant and constant change, how can we ensure that our organizations — and our own careers — are positioned to ride the curve of innovation? My research into the [...]

Use data analytics to drive your business

There’s a lot of buzz surrounding data analytics. But what does it actually mean in a company’s day-to-day business? According to the information technology research and advisory [...]

Revenue recognition and independence: Something to consider

Implementing the new revenue recognition standard is like climbing a mountain. It’s a challenge. It has to be addressed since the standard is effective for private companies and many [...]